Eudynamys orientalis  

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)
click photo for larger image
© Larry Dunis 2009
Toorbul, QLD (Oct, 2009)

For many spring seasons now I've heard male Koels calling but not managed to locate and get a photo of one.

Until now that is, this chap very kindly continued to call and remained where he was, relatively low down in a roadside tree, allowing me to take a happy snap.

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel (male)

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel (male)

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel (female)

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Adult Male Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Adult Female Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Adult Female Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Young Male Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel

Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis)

Eastern Koel